The Vengeance and Wrath of God?

“Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave room for the wrath of God; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.’ No, ‘if your enemies are hungry, feed them; if they are thirsty, give them something to drink; for by doing this you will heap burning coals on their heads.’ Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:19-21)

The vengeance and wrath of God is not as humans think of these qualities and actions. God is not a hypocrite, asking humans to do something that He would not do, feed and give to those in need of grace, provision and love. His vengeance and wrath is always higher than human legalistic, elitist and exclusivitic vengeance and wrath.

Justice Indictment Punishment Blood

This can be a difficult message to receive. Some will go on believing that God is angry and they will fear this God. Some will look to their works (law keeping or faith) to save them from this angry God. In turn, they believe that others are still under the anger of God because these others do not keep the law or have faith the way they day. They will go on creating more enemies of their God, further hardening the hearts of others, who already believe that they are the enemies of God. This is not the true God, but the god of children lost in the nightmare of their darkened imaginations of what they suppose wrath to be.

Jesus shows us the vengeance and wrath of God, passionately loving those who claim to be His enemies, overcoming evil with good. Jesus poured out the Father’s vengeance and wrath from the cross, forgiving those who killed Him. God’s wrath (Greek, “Orge”) is His passion, overwhelming anything that would oppose His love.

God’s wrath and vengeance looks like His life by His Spirit being poured out on His enemies and filling them. He raises His “enemies”–everyone who thought they were children of anger–to be seated with Him in Jesus Christ in the heavenly places to show the immeasurable richness of His mercy, grace and love (Ephesians 2: 1-10). He did this for all, when we were powerless, dead enemies; He reconciled all the ungodly and reconciled them to Himself–made us all one with and in Himself (Romans 5: 1-11). He did not do this for some of His enemies, the ones with less sins than others. He did it for all, from the least to the greatest–like Saul of Tarsus.

If one believes one is an “enemy” of God and doesn’t want to receive this love and oneness, it seems like hot coals on their heads rather than fiery tongues of fire. The wine of joy can seem like the grapes of wrath, and the heaven can seem like hell. They cannot see then light of eternal life in Jesus Christ, but remain in the darkness and illusion of their own self condemnation.  This is the condition for many “believers” and “unbelievers” now, because they do not believe the fullness of the gospel.

The Light of Jesus shows us that our thirst of wrath, vengeance, justice, indictment, punishment and blood has been quenched by His own blood. His vengeance and wrath is unchanging love that frees and restores the blinded, the lame, the brokenhearted, the oppressed, the wicked, the disobedient and the dead.

Abba, Jesus and Holy Spirit always overcomes evil with good for all.

Blessings in Jesus